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Born on 2 Decem­ber 2014 these polar bear cubs have devel­oped into two inde­pen­dent indi­vid­u­als after six months. They don’t need Mum any­more, they have each other. For some seri­ous rough­hous­ing, for fun and a swim, although one needs more per­sua­sion than the other to plunge into the pool. Polar bear white is not the colour they think is suit­able for the Rot­ter­dam Zoo sit­u­a­tion, so some rolling around on the ground gives them a nice cam­ou­flage colour – imper­son­at­ing a griz­zly. Too bad it wears off in the water though​.By the way, when they get really really tired they still fall asleep against Mum.

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