


AboutZoos, Since 2008

Zoological gardens

Zoos in Europe & beyond
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Endangered species

Important apex predators
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Nature off balance


y personal attempt to try and convince everybody of the beauty and the importance of nature as (evolutionary) phenomenon, especially its fauna. Information is given, in text and image, on my 'beasts'. Cats, especially big ones, will be starring next to other predators. And if possible my all time favourite the cow will make its appearance. But above all I would like to stress and show, as a one-man-pressure-group, the importance of the diversity of life on our earth. As the uncomplicated beauty of animals provides a lot of pleasure to those who appreciate it. More species mean more pleasure. To prevent species from going extinct at the rate we see today is therefore paramount. Not only for esthetic reasons, but also for the preservation of life on earth. Because to me, loss of biodiversity is inseparable connected to a deteriorating environment on earth. Mother Earth whom is less and less capable of sustaining life. Zoos will become more important for conservation of fauna diversity, which I would like to show also. As a matter of fact, I started the endeavour with launching a website focussing on this plethora of issues around 2008. It turned out that picking up where I left years ago, visiting zoos and see what kind of progress was being made in keeping animals in captivity, fitted nicely into my new challenge. So, more and more time is consumed with visiting zoos and reviewing their efforts to save endangered species. Genesis and extinction are an inextricable couple that seems off balance. Let us try and restore this balance!

Roar Forward: The mission to double wild tiger numbers (Tx2)

By saving the tiger we save all the plants and animals that live under the tiger's umbrella.

Goal: 7000 tigers in the wild

Tiger range countries map


"Tiger map" (CC BY 2.5) by Sanderson et al., 2006.


about zoos and their mission regarding breeding endangered species, nature conservation, biodiversity and education, while at the same time relates to the evolution of species.