Endangered species
n this section I will try and give relevant and detailed information on endangered species which deserve my special attention. First, this involves species that are (critically) endangered according to the IUCN Red list. Secondly, it concerns predators, those species that are occupying the top layer of the food chain pyramid. When available, information will be provided on the role of zoos in conservation activities to prevent those species from extinction. These might be projects carried out in original habitats and ecosystems (in situ), or research and breeding programmes in the zoo environment (ex situ). Most information is derived or copied from ARKIVE and AnimalsInfo and Wikipedia of course, and is presented in such a way that it provides sufficient information on the endangered species and inspires the reader to follow the links for more information, I hope. Additionally, this might help the reader to reflect on Mother Nature's "suffering" and the need for support and resources to provide some relief. Volunteers and/or donations will be welcomed by all the organisations running nature conservation programmes.