Do you still understand what is going on in this world we inhabit and try to live in? I don't! Are things complicated or do we make them complicated? I do understand that different regions have different issues, because of differences in political, cultural or geographical climate. And I do understand that decisions have to be taken and choices to be made to solve these issues. But why fight over the resources at stake, the ecosystem services (land, water, food, energy, ….), while the only thing this will accomplish is underpinnig of the differences over and over again. Why don't we address the bigger picture we should worry about, and which is the driving factor behind all those regional issues, in my opinion. The world that is being exploited and depleted by us, meaning man as a speciesthat single-handedly is killing the world we live in.
Shouldn't it make life easier for decision makers all over the world when all decisions should only address the saving of this planet and enable many next generations of humans to enjoy their life on beautiful Mother Earth? There is first evidence that things are turning for the worst. In his recently published article in Nature, Maximillian Auffhammer refers to evidence, for the first time based on production records and not on models, for an alarming disruptive scenario about declining staple food crop yields worldwide due to climate change.
Though I am afraid that the world has become too complicated to interpret all the different needs and solve them by trying to focus on one single issue as suggested, the world will not be able to support us any more when we go on like we do right now. We are responsible.
Therefore, we should try to talk some sense into the people who can make a difference and have the power to create an effect. Let us begin small, because the grand master plan for saving Mother Earth is still lacking, but needs little gems to prove it is possible.
So, what am I looking for? What “small issue” I think should be addressed and require combined efforts of world's citizens and politicians to make this world a better place? Conservation of the big cats, the world's largest predators. That is my ultimate small goal.Conservation of the big cats, the world's largest predators. That is my ultimate small goal. It should not be too difficult to combine efforts in this domain which is dominated by NGOs. Their motivation is the same and contains a global perspective. Funds must be raised and a common pot created, out of which essential conservation activities, and research to support focussing the conservation efforts, can be financed. A large common pot will be more effective than many small ones, and moreover it will not confuse donors about what vital work will be done with their money. So, they do not have to make choices which fundraiser (conservation group) should get their money. Well, this was very naïve on my behalf. While getting acquainted via a thorough web search with the conservation societies, NGOs, small pressure groups, and others addressing big cat conservation, I realised that I could not have been more wrong. All of these groups try to raise funds - which can be paid easily via web-based payment systems, of course - by looking for motivated individuals like me. People who are to be regarded as concerned citizens and want to save the world. People who have similar motivations when thinking of the future. People who want to conserve large predators from extinction. So, why force us to make choices between these conservation societies or NGOs? Which of these idealistic organisations will have the greatest impact, while using are donated funds? Do we know? I don't!
To show you the problem of the many organisations working in the domain of large feline predator conservation I will provide you with the results of my web search. And mind you, this looks comprehensive but there are more. Definitely!
There is the Global Tiger Initiative and its participants (29.05.2011) which is an excellent initiative within the scope of my problem:
American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ASEAN-WEN, Wildlife Enforcement Network
Association of Zoos & Aquariums
British & Irish Association of Zoos & Aquariums
Born Free - Tiger conservation
Care for the Wild International
Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Save the Tiger Fund of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Smithsonian National Zoological Park
World Associations of Zoos and Aquariums
In addition I have identified (29.05.2011):
Alta Amur Leopard Conservation
Association for Species Conservation in India
Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors - Tiger conservation
Environmental Investigation Agency
National Tiger Conservation Authority
Pacific Environment, protecting the living environment of the Pacific rim
Panthera, leaders in wild cat conservation
Phoenix Fund, a collective biodiversity recovery programme
The Roar Foundation, Shambala preserve
doubtful organisation, with opposition from prominent South African and international conservation organisations (because of the training of tigers in captivity to learn to hunt again; and the Africa connection (training facilities in South Africa) with the chance of introduction of feline diseases that do not exist in Asia yet (like FIV))
with weblinks to several small conservation organisations
Wildlife Protection Society of india
I want to call on these organisations for support. Help me to choose, organise yourself! Joint efforts will be more effective and efficient, and will create an ever so needed little gem which the grand master plan for saving Mother Earth can build on!